Friday, September 17, 2010

Complex Arguments

1 I'm on my way to school. 2 I left five minutes late. 3 Traffic is heavy. 4 Therefore, I'll be late for class. 5 So I might as well stop and get breakfast.

Argument? Yes
Conclusion: I might as well stop and get breakfast.
Additional premises needed? I would add this sentence to give the argument more depth. a If I am going to be late for class I might as well be even more late.
Identify any subargument: a supports 5. 1,2,3 support 4.
Good argument? This could be a good argument if the additional premise was true.

1 comment:

  1. Yea, this is a weird argument. Although I know what this person is thinking when they say they might as well stop and get breakfast; it still isn't really an argument. The premises don't really lead to that conclusion. However, they would lead up to the sentence before that where he says, "therefore, I'll be late for class." That would make a much stronger argument if he were to conclude that because the premises support him being late. But they don't really give him room to say that he might as well stop and get food. Anyways, weird argument (i posted this one too) but good job breaking it down.
